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About OutVentures


One thing many prospective members want to know is what activities we do. You can browse through the calendar or Trip Reports to see past and scheduled trip titles. 

But, basically, anything outdoor and nature related is acceptable.

Most of our trips are day-hikes, but we do have regular group camping events, backpackingwhite water rafting and social events like potlucks. Please keep in mind that our trips are lead by member-volunteers, so d
ay-hikes will frequently pop-up 3-4 days out…some weeks or months in advance. So don't be discouraged if the calendar seems a bit empty. Just because nothing is scheduled right now, doesn't mean there won't be any trips popping up.



OutVentures has no staff, volunteer-members make 100 percent of our activities happen! You, our member-volunteers lead activities including: hiking, camping, biking, kayaking, climbing, scrambling, sailing, photography trips, and even some winter activities like snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. In addition there are community activities and potlucks. The business end of OutVentures  is run by an all-volunteer Board of Directors, each elected for a year 1 term.


In addition to the recreational activities we pursue, OutVentures works to ensure that wilderness areas that we interact with are preserved and protected through our actions. OutVentures members are all environmentally conscious and are required to follow all rules set-forth in the wilderness area they are in. OutVentures also encourages carpooling and enforces trip size limits in a continued effort to protect and conserve our natural landscape.

Get Involved

It's easy to get involved with OutVentures! We offer trips, classes and events for ages 18 and up and all experience levels. If you are an absolute beginner with a desire to get outside, or you are an experienced outdoor enthusiast, we have something for you. Our trips range from easy to very strenuous, with everything in between. You pick your own pace.


Memberships are good for one (1) year, based on the day you sign up:  
Single $19.95

Couples $34.95
You must be 18 or older to join OutVentures - or accompanied by a guardian who is a member.



Visitors or guests of members are welcome to contact us for information on how they can participate.


OutVentures is a 501(c)(7) non-profit social organization.

Our Federal Tax Identification Number is 61-1673065.


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Website by Vieth Consulting