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Banner Photo by Roy Vermillion - Grand Ridge Hike

Hiking Safety

The mountains, rivers and wilderness areas of the Pacific Northwest have something to offer just about everyone: enjoyment of nature, exercise, adventure, challenge and inspiration.  Above all else, OutVentures is concerned with your safety and enjoyment on any OutVentures posted event...we want you to return safely!
Even though you may not be the trip leader, look at the route description in a guide book and on a map before setting out. Having even the most basic idea of your route is better than blindly walking into the woods. Note hiking times and route conditions (rocky, exposed, dry, wet). Pack food, clothing, water and gear accordingly. Check the weather forecast, look at a map and call or visit the nearest ranger station if you feel it is appropriate. Remember, many roads get washed out during the winter months and ranger stations are likely to have that information.

Leave a Trip Schedule
Leave a trip schedule with at least one responsible person. Give the name of the trail or a route description, names of people in your party, and expected time of return. Remember to call this person when you get back.
The Hiking Party
The rule of thumb for newcomers is “don’t hike alone.” A group of two is usually minimum for backcountry trails. Don't leave the group or wander off by yourself. Your safety and the safety of others may depend on your sticking together.
OutVentures is an outdoor activity club and to participate in most hikes or activities will assume and require a certain level of fitness. OutVentures does not offer training programs designed to get you into shape; however, by participating in our hikes, novice hikers and those with lower fitness levels will gradually build endurance and raise their overall level of fitness.

To ensure a fun trip, and out of consideration for others in your party, know your own limits and select trips of a distance and grade that are suitable to your current level of conditioning. For more information on trip difficulty levels, please refer to our Trip Difficulty and Ratings page.

But remember, you don't always have to do an entire hike. So, if you'd like to try a hike but not sure you can make it all the way, be sure to communicate with the Trip Leader to clearly explain and agree on your plans for the remainder of the trip.

Upcoming Events
11/21  OutVentures November Board Meeting
Trip Reports

06/20 - Day sailing on Puget Sound, Sunday,...
02/12 - The Skagit River is one of the...
02/05 - Moss Identification Hike and bonus...
01/01 - A Visit to the Washington Park...
Website by Vieth Consulting